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[Frix4CP] The Policies: A Socialist Future

6 Hari ke 2,814, 03:16 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Ey Up!

Today, the day before the election, I announce the policies which I expect to be voted on. Not a candidates popularity... Anyhow....


Proper negotiations with the Argies
Last month we got one

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[Frix4CP] The Coolest, Freshest, Most Bodacious Cabinet Ever!

8 Hari ke 2,812, 05:10 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik


Today see's the grand revealing of my Cabinet if you lovely people vote for me on the 5th. On the 4th I will announce the most important part of the CP election, the theme and the policies. This cabinet will be the most Bodacious

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30 Hari ke 2,811, 02:13 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

uhm Hi.

A few days ago ESO's glorious PP, Sir Jimmy Saville, made a form and asked who wanted to run with ESO for CP. I put my name down. I WON! Despite a sneaky WRP member sneaking in and attempting to mess with the holy election results. Its

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[ESO] Official Welfare Scheme - THE LAUNCH

15 Hari ke 2,808, 13:03 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan


Welcome to the Official ESO Benefits Scheme launch!

After much debate on what would work the best, whether it be a … lebih lanjut »

[ESO] Super Secret Congress Plans

7 Hari ke 2,806, 02:53 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Hi all,

As you may know ESO got a cracking result in the Congress Elections by getting one seat. All I gotta say about that is that I hope that … lebih lanjut »