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[DEFENSIE] Army Reorganisation

2 Hari ke 551, 10:19 Diterbitkan di Netherlands Netherlands

English below, Frence translilation is a must-have. Send a PM to Ministerie van Defensie if you have made a Frence transilation. We ain't so good at Frence 😉

Reorganisatie Leger

Zoals bekend wordt het leger op … lebih lanjut »

[DEFENSIE] Wargames Started! [NL/FR/EN]

2 Hari ke 551, 08:46 Diterbitkan di Netherlands Netherlands

Wargames Started, Fight Here!

Don't forget that a new day starts at 09:00 local time, allowing you to use the hospital again!

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[DEFENSIE] Wargames part 6 STARTED! [NL/FR/EN]

0 Hari ke 549, 16:55 Diterbitkan di Netherlands Netherlands

Wargames Started, FIGHT HERE!

Subscribe to this newspaper for the latest info and orders from the Ministry of Defence!

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[DEFENSIE] Wargames part 5 STARTED! [NL/FR/EN]

4 Hari ke 546, 08:02 Diterbitkan di Netherlands Netherlands

Wargames Started, FIGHT HERE!

Subscribe to this newspaper for the latest info and orders from the Ministry of Defence!

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[DEFENSIE] Handige info en linkjes

2 Hari ke 546, 05:05 Diterbitkan di Netherlands Netherlands

English below

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Beste eBurgers,

tussen het trainen door kan ik u vertellen dat jullie het uitstekend doen. Er wordt hard gevochten maar ook goed op de economie gelet. Tussendoor hebben we Amerika's invasie in Russland tegengehouden.

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