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Kažu da bi napad trebao koštati oko 15 kila zlata

6 Hari ke 951, 22:24 Diterbitkan di Serbia Serbia

Drugovi, ja da sam predsednik Srbije, napao bi bez tih 15.000 hiljada zlata.

Vidite, da se razumemo, plan koji ču sad izneti je simplifikacija. Kao

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Drugovi, ja da sam predsednik Srbije...

9 Hari ke 951, 11:33 Diterbitkan di Serbia Serbia

Napao bi. Napao bi posle podne, da se rokne jednom oko dnevnika, taman pre fudbalske utakmice, i da se rokne jos jednom sledeci dan prepodne.

Ako uspe uspe, ako ne, roknuo bi ponovo prekosutra. I ponovo. Onda bi malo povisio porez i opet bi

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Сербия банкротства - Serbia bankrupted

8 Hari ke 949, 02:56 Diterbitkan di Russia Russia


In this article we'll have a look at a Phoenix strongest member, Serbia. Statistically Serbia is to become the country with the largest … lebih lanjut »

The second invasion on Great Britain

6 Hari ke 947, 23:56 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom


While Poland attacked Scotland to build a hospital there, Brits only worry about their congress seats. I worry too, some SDP fool seem to didn't let me … lebih lanjut »

International politics - French Hungarian dispute

17 Hari ke 944, 10:58 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom


Halleluyah. I've been around the world this time. After the first Lionking battle, in … lebih lanjut »