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Articol pentru jucatorii noi

35 Hari ke 2,886, 03:10 Diterbitkan di Romania Romania Langkah pertama di eRepublik Langkah pertama di eRepublik


Dupa cum ne arata Vampiru aici ,

Romania a fost invadata de

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Manifest - PL sau 'bataia de joc' a unora

28 Hari ke 2,769, 00:03 Diterbitkan di Romania Romania Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik


Nu stiu cat de multe lucruri cunosti despre joc, si in special despre politica, partide si conducatorii lor. Probabil ca destul de multe, insa vreau sa iti atrag atentia ca Partidul Liberal a ajuns bataia de joc a catorva jucatori

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Cadoul meu pentru Mihai Viteazul

77 Hari ke 2,765, 11:52 Diterbitkan di Romania Romania Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Salutare tuturor,

Citind acest articol si tinand seama de cate a facut acest jucator pentru Romania, vin catre voi cu urmatoarea propunere:

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[NEW]Tips to improve the game

12 Hari ke 2,764, 10:14 Diterbitkan di Romania Romania Langkah pertama di eRepublik Langkah pertama di eRepublik

Hello everybody,

These are some tips for managers and developers in order to improve the game. They are just fine tunings, nothing special, but they are things that will improve the quality of the game.
I grouped them in few categories:

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Tips to improve the game

18 Hari ke 2,715, 09:55 Diterbitkan di Romania Romania Langkah pertama di eRepublik Langkah pertama di eRepublik

Hello everybody,

These are some tips for managers and developers in order to improve the game. They are just fine tunings, nothing special, but they are things that will improve the quality of the game.
I grouped them in few categories:

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