I sincerely doubt all these claims of heterosexuality

Day 1,326, 11:14 Published in United Kingdom USA by Emerick

There's been a lot of Britons claiming to be heterosexual recently, which means that they're not overcompensating because straight guys always scream about their sexual preference. Bro, I'm hetero as a mother, and I talk about it all the time.

I am talking about this article and this article.

The reason I doubt these claims of heterosexuality is simple: straight guys don't screw each other. That's a fact. Look it up.

Examples of this man-on-man bonination that I'm talking about can be found in their very gracious supplies. Check it:

United Kingdom Elite Forces: according to that article, these guys are supposed to be serious business. Why the goddamn, then, are they only given enough supplies for less than 3 rounds per day? 16 Q5 weapons per day, to 35 guys. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the best the UK can do.

Meanwhile, in the USSF, I'm getting as much food as I can eat, and 30 Q5's. And I'm just one of like dozens of guys in the SF. For the UKSF, they get a whopping 3 tanks per day! That's almost enough to use in one round of fighting!

Knowing all this, it's no wonder the UK is so respected on the international level. It's clear that putting out damage for our allies is the UK's top priority. Because look at those supplies.

What's the moral of the story?

The UK needs to conduct itself like a country that gives a butt about its damage output. We all know that it doesn't and that the UK is just another puppet for ONE, but wouldn't it be awesome if we actually believed that we were worth a butt? And lets not forget about the disservice we're doing to British patriots who have serious damage outputs. They deserve damage and rank ups as often as people in, say, the US. Where they have virtually no regions.

That's right, the UK military is worse off than the military of a country with nearly no regions.

That means you suck at this game.

How can you suck less?

Higher taxes, more communes. It's that simple. There's no reason that every active person shouldn't be working in a commune, and no reason we shouldn't be taxing the fuck out of every single person in this country, so that we can have a decent military.

No, I'm not giving you concrete plans. Figure it out for yourself.

Or you can just sit back and enjoy being a puppet.