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The truth is in here.

Canada + US = Friends!

31 Nap 600, 14:41 Megjelenés helye: USA USA

The Q10 (Ten Quick Questions) – “Maple Leaf” Edition

In recent days, there have been literally hundreds of articles in the US regarding the American response to the threat of a looming invasion. The articles ranged from what to do to … több »

Semper Fi!

20 Nap 598, 15:17 Megjelenés helye: USA USA

The Q10 (Ten Quick Questions) – “American Hero” Edition

10 Quick Questions with Vice-Commandant of the eUSMC, Lucius Varenus:

Q1: You were the first to több »

Ajay Bruno Speaks!

14 Nap 597, 16:13 Megjelenés helye: USA USA

The Q10 (Ten Quick Questions) – “Ajay” Edition

10 Quick Questions with Conservative Presidential Party Nominee, Ajay Bruno:

Q1: What do you see as the több »

A personal thanks…

9 Nap 596, 18:09 Megjelenés helye: USA USA

I wasn’t planning on writing anything else today. But circumstances drastically changed when I got a shout from Senator Woxan (AAP-NV) saying “CONGRESS: VOTE NO ON THE DONATION”. I am not in Congress and it was my first indication there was a

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Australia - Embassy Report

5 Nap 596, 00:09 Megjelenés helye: USA USA

U.S. Embassy Briefing – Australia
July 8, 2009 (Day 596)
US Ambassador to Australia: Hadrian X

Topics Covere😛
I. Situation Report
II. Presidential Elections
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