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Personal newspaper and communications from PigInZen.

[ePH-eUSA] Econ Update Day 1,208 | March 12, 2011

19 Nap 1,208, 10:52 Megjelenés helye: Philippines Philippines

Current Monetary Market Snapshot

The volatility in the monetary markets is subsiding and market ranges are settling in. This is good news for producers … több »

[ePH-eUSA] Deep Tracks - Econ Remix

17 Nap 1,207, 08:43 Megjelenés helye: Philippines Philippines

AKA Why Have Employees? Part III

Holy crap we've covered some ground this week in these economics treatises. We've gone from introducing the concept of self sufficiency to exploring the vasts benefits of working as an owner. There's been a … több »

[ePH Econ] Stop Worrying and Learn to Love Owning a Business

28 Nap 1,205, 08:48 Megjelenés helye: Philippines Philippines

AKA Why Have Employees? Part II

My last article covered the benefits of a capital investment of ~88.6 gold to buy 4 grain companies and 2 food companies. The biggest benefit is the ability to produce enough grain & food to provide yourself … több »

[ePH Econ] Why Have Employees?

28 Nap 1,203, 07:58 Megjelenés helye: Philippines Philippines

My last article covered the productivity challenges that smaller economies face due to resource scarcity and the subesquent impact that has on production bonuses. This article is going to cover the profitability of working as a mini-commune (i.e.,

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ePH-eUSA Economic Comparison for Selected Industries, Day 1,199

31 Nap 1,199, 16:24 Megjelenés helye: Philippines Philippines

Lower Efficiency, Higher Prices

I've decided to start publishing some economic analysis articles again, except this time I will be comparing economic conditions in the ePhilippines with those in the eUSA. I think the series will be … több »