Háttérkép be/ki


9 Nap 619, 12:07 Megjelenés helye: Australia Australia



Theyyyyre Baaaacck



több »

Approved Resistance War for South Australia

13 Nap 607, 02:28 Megjelenés helye: Indonesia Indonesia

The ARRIA Treaty is an approved agreement between eIndonesia and eAustralia for the return of eAustralia's regions. As part of this agreement, a resistance war in South Australia has now commenced as approved between the eAustralian and eIndonesian

több »

Ranger thanks Admin, eAustralia, and the eWorld...

19 Nap 596, 04:04 Megjelenés helye: Australia Australia


I felt I needed to post an article thanking you all for the incredible amount of support I received.

On Monday I was absolutely devastated. I had drafted and was about to submit my resignation from the Cabinet, and had already decided

több »

Wargames on again!!

3 Nap 591, 19:44 Megjelenés helye: Australia Australia

Hello eAustralia

Once again there are wargames on - these go for another 16 hours and (roughly) 25 minutes from the time of this post.

You have an opportunity to get two rounds of fighting in both today (day 591) and tomorrow (day 592).


több »

zaneism: The True Path...

17 Nap 588, 01:37 Megjelenés helye: Australia Australia

In the beginning. The eWorld existed in darkness, without form, host or eBeer.
Then zaney came and He looked upon the darkness and raised forth his eHand.
He raised forth His mighty eHand and said - "let there be eAustralia!"
And eAustralia
több »