Suggestions to the Next Prime Minister

Day 1,898, 17:53 Published in Australia Canada by Molly Jo

Suggestion List
These suggestions are in no particular order, just in order of how they came to mind.

1. Build friendships with Nations who want to be our friends. We don't need two faced allies who will stab us in the back to try and make nice with an Alliance. We need friends and allies who will stand with us, this doesn't have to mean joining an alliance, we should be able to be friend who ever wants to be our friends, who will support us, and who we will feel proud to support in battle.

2. Keep the Department of Humans Services and Centrelink, these our good programs that can and do help our community.

3. The Department of Finance should be run by senators, they are in charge of the budget anyway.

4. Keep Scottty from leaving us, even if you have to give him all the drugs he wants, or other perks.

5. a Prime Minister that promotes unity, one who wont take office and start by blaming everything on administration before him/her, one who runs a respectful campaign.

6. Stand resolute against those who will try to push you around. We don't need to be pushed into an unfair agreement by the likes that betrayed us. If they won't let you think it over, its an unfair deal.

7. Don't be afraid to ask for help, you have a cabinet for a reason, but also don't let any of them control you or speak for you.

8. Work your butt off, its going to be needed.

The term isn't quite over, but I will say it has certainly been a learning experience for me to be your Deputy Prime Minister. If anyone would like to add a suggestion feel free, I only ask you keep it respectful and polite, I ask the same from all commenters and as always

Molly 😃