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How To Survive The eUK Apocalypse?

25 Dan 2,721, 10:31 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Prvi koraci u eRepubliku Prvi koraci u eRepubliku

Shalom my good friends, my not so good friends and the people who haven't yet sent me a friend request. I used to publish several different guides to help new … čitaj više »

Thank Someone, Anyone, And Get Weapons...

39 Dan 2,716, 11:33 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

The aim of this is simple. We have lots of hardworking eUKers and well as many friendly faces who often don't get the recognition they deserve. In
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[ESO] Congress... And More?

5 Dan 2,712, 23:20 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Every Single 'Ongressman! No? That isn't right... anyway, ESO seems to be getting up to some interesting stuff in this election - and in general. Here is a big … čitaj više »

The MEK Invasion In 24 T-Swizzle Gifs

49 Dan 2,700, 10:08 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

So... MEK started a civil war in our country. None of us saw it coming, Sambo was definitely not warning us about it for the past few weeks. It is
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Democracy or Dictatorship? The Pros and Cons

3 Dan 2,697, 04:32 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

As we all should know by now, there is going to be another referendum in the eUK on democracy and dictatorship soon. Therefore I have written this article for … čitaj više »