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New Era stuff with a load of random nonsense on the side

Random fact of the week (Day 1838)

1 Dan 1,838, 10:34 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

This weeks fact is: smelling bananas / green apples can help you lose weight

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(Vice PP of New Era)

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Random fact of the week (Day 1832)

3 Dan 1,832, 07:48 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

This weeks fact is: 40% of women have thrown footwear at a man

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Random fact of the week (Day 1825)

1 Dan 1,825, 07:36 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

This weeks fact is: Blueberry juice boosts memory

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Statistics of the eWorld 1-15

2 Dan 1,811, 04:17 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

These articles are mainly just information about the citizen level of all countries in the world and pointing out some suprising things

number 1: Serbia - 14.1k population - average citizen level 25
21 regions

number 2: Brazil - 13.

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Random fact of the week (Day 1808)

0 Dan 1,808, 11:35 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

This weeks fact is: Walt Disney, the creator of Mickey Mouse, was afraid of mice

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