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Marketplace Time, the newspaper with the weekly reviews of the market! We post every Thursday with the weekly review of the market and every Sunday with a summary and prediction for the next week.

Ohlay Ohlay Ohlay!

4 Dan 863, 17:30 Objavljeno u USA USA

Ohlay, ohlay, ohlay! We will conquer everyone and we will be the top. Maybe even over ePoland. I love you ePoland but, we might conquer you someday. Be prepared, be prepared.


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8 Dan 861, 10:54 Objavljeno u USA USA

We (eUSA) will take over every counrty that may try to take us over! We will come out on top!

S.E.E.S. Forever!

-Sincerely, JmanTizzle

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Poland AGAIN!

4 Dan 861, 05:59 Objavljeno u USA USA

Cerber (President of Poland) is sitting in a hotel lobby, planning his speech to a group of businessmen, when a little man walks up to him. 'Excuse me, Mr. Cerber, my name is JmanTizzle, and I'm here with an extremely important client tonight. We're

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24 Dan 860, 16:13 Objavljeno u USA USA

We will take over Poland! Even if they are expecting it. We will win the war. If we go into the war.

Go S.E.E.S., may we live on forever.

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4 Dan 858, 07:55 Objavljeno u USA USA

'All of us need money'
1: Money

I don't know how to get some money for my organization or how to send my citizen (JmanTizzle) +1 wellness a day. If you know how, … čitaj više »