Ambijent uključi/isključi

The way to Podolia

26 Dan 900, 08:45 Objavljeno u Romania Romania

Well, well, in this day of Erepublik history Ukraine decided to join the "other side" signing the alliance with Hungary. Romania has only neighbours with nice intentions:

1. Bulgaria, frustrated after beeing erased from the map by

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Budapest - our golden headless chicken

22 Dan 896, 12:25 Objavljeno u Romania Romania

I dont want to be impolite, to offend or to be mean but I think that something strange is happening around. To have hundreds of users hittin' the wall with 500, 600, 700 and to see the wall growing fast on the other side, it's a little bit strange

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Budapest is falling tonight

16 Dan 896, 08:28 Objavljeno u Romania Romania

To all my readers and to all EDEN states. Budapest, the last resort and the ruin of the former Hungarian Empire is falling. The history of erepublik will be re-written tonight. No monuments are needed but the names of heroes will forever remain in

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Ceea ce nu stii despre istoria BPR...

55 Dan 881, 00:44 Objavljeno u Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova

Daca revii de unde ai plecat, e firesc sa existe un motiv pentru care o faci. In urma cu 6 luni impreuna cu Maniu, Ardei, Cluj, Allex85 si altii fondam Basarabia Pamant Romanesc. Scopul la infiintare, poate nedeclarat, era acela de a sparge

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Alegeri: varianta romantata [unualibro]

45 Dan 877, 11:45 Objavljeno u Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova

In cetatea Sorocai, alegerile erau in toi. Sifon Sonatu, Morman Asante si Pamadrac incercau sa ajunga la o intelegere. Zombii Moldovei, pazeau cu strasnicie portile Sorocai astfel ca chicior de intelectual sa nu calce prin preajma iar Morman sa nu o

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