Ambijent uključi/isključi

Rylde says vote for Jacobi

53 Dan 777, 22:00 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

I never thought I'd be making a title statement like that ever. But times change and were no longer viewed as an enemy trying to be stomped out like in the past.

I requested that CC vote for Jacobi this election. i only advise and make my

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Congress A Jackass's Story

16 Dan 769, 23:28 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

Well I don't have much to write about these days as CC has a great columnist. So i figured I'd write about my adventures in congress with that pack of by the book hard asses.
Well I'm not looking to get banned yet so details will be vague and i don'

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How to get into Congress.

48 Dan 767, 14:04 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

I've discovered a surfire way to get into Congress monthly. With strategy and technique you can become a congressman of eCanada as well just by following these simple steps.

-Move and run in a location no one gives a rats ass about. I went with

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Unlikely for Congress

10 Dan 764, 05:03 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

I'll be running for Congress this month. Mainly so i can be a pain in the ass to govt. I do actually have goals and a sadsack platform of supporting canadian business. Foreign importers have no business in our markets where domestic output can cover

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eCanadian Death Company

18 Dan 751, 16:02 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

How many newbs have to die on NB's road to bettering there province. I've looked through NB prides companies and all there present goals have been achieved with there hands covered in blood. The specter of death follows the NB pride organization

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