Ambijent uključi/isključi

Moo Last article and Important measage

16 Dan 1,111, 09:08 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

Last article, will make it short. We won a battle against to the UK, AGAIN, in SE. Thanks to our Croatian brothers for that. There is no country that has come to our aid like them, we are forever in dept. Our Candian bros have been getting it a

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Moo on CP election

19 Dan 1,110, 10:48 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

This is an article where I tell you why I will be personably voting for John G. tomorrow. I am not going to try to tell you James is an evil monster and John G can walk on water. What I will try do is give my own opion on what makes a good CP and

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Moo on Irelands support for Bolivia

15 Dan 1,108, 10:27 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

Last night the UK attacked all over the place to try to get some of there regions back. The attacks on London hit a speed bump but that is a long story for another day. We started the night with DOD order to defend Wales; it is the only region

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Moo on state of nation

20 Dan 1,106, 11:16 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

Well 4 days to go, then I clean out the desk, kiss the secretaries good bye, and pass over the nuclear codes to next CP. Just a few things to wrap up. Some of the things in this job are pretty cool but some are no fun. Writing regular article to

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Moo on Invasion Day 8

11 Dan 1,103, 02:21 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

......................................... Day 1,103 eTime 2:24................................................................

What Happened Yesteday

+We last left this story with he UK attacking Shannon and west Midland. … čitaj više »