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The sound of butthurt

9 Dan 2,069, 15:47 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Well thats easy just read Malbekh's latest article . Its smells of butthurt. And sound like it as well. Face it Malbekh when Kurgan was done with you there was not much of your career left over. And lets face it it was not that much of a career

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Irish Dish of the day:Boxty

9 Dan 2,069, 03:36 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Well i'm building this up to try it out later. Gout has cut my activities a bit down. An Englsih comedian yesterday stood in for Jon Stewart in the "The Daily Show" and he said that the English has managed to take 2 key elements of good food out

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Irish dish of the day:Colcannon

3 Dan 2,068, 02:02 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

I was recently looking at the page on "Kale" when I saw a reference to some irish dish called colcannon .

Colcannon is traditionally made from mashed potatoes and kale (or cabbage), with milk (or cream), butter, salt and pepper added. It can

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poor grianne / weekly dose of hot women

15 Dan 2,065, 16:08 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

I recently read about Grianne Ni Mialle harassment. Poor poor grianne. My deepest sympathy. Men can be such pigs.

Here is a few pics to make you feel better


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Where is the smilies? Plato & Hot Woman that should move to eIreland

6 Dan 2,062, 03:26 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Ever noticed that your smilies used to disappear. Here is the normal smile 🙂 adding a space inbetween : ). Seems Plato has paid off his villa and is smiling again. The 1 Billion it cost us must have weighed heavy on his poor soul.

Lets try a

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