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Ya Taksim, Ya Ölüm

cCc Cyprus Candidate promises free Love cCc [EN/TR]

82 Dan 1,259, 14:04 Objavljeno u Cyprus Cyprus Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Election time has come in cyprus one more time,but this time its different,we are in a free and independent cyprus state.
As you know i will be the first candidate in cyprus,towards to that i would like to refer in two main things:

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52 Dan 1,253, 15:33 Objavljeno u Cyprus Cyprus Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Today e-cyprus has made the first step for Freedom JUSTICE AND UNITY.
Revolution has just began with the impeachment,it will be a long journey for INCI and for all of us.

We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore,e-Turks,e-Greeks
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Rejep Dectash cCc in ci we trust cCc

160 Dan 1,239, 14:10 Objavljeno u USA USA Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Who is Rejep Dectash ?

Greetings fellow inci members

There was a lot of controversy the last days about me, so let me please introduce myself:

My real life name is Vasilis and am Greek, its been two years and a couple of months i have

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2 years vasilis xatzis

88 Dan 1,181, 05:12 Objavljeno u Greece Greece

Σαν σημερα πέρασαν ακριβώς δυο χρόνια απο το πρωτο μου login.Ποτε μου δεν πιστευα οτι θα παρεμενα σε ενα συγκεκριμενο παιχνιδι για τόσο μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα, υπηρξαν αρκετες φορες που απλα θεωρησα οτι ειναι αλλο ενα βαρετο browsergame.
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79 Dan 1,171, 13:11 Objavljeno u Greece Greece


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