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Finance Sheet:


Profitability of companies:
How does the budget work?:

[MOF] Finance Report February 2011

17 Dan 1,191, 14:52 Objavljeno u Netherlands Netherlands


The Netherlands have been in war with Poland, this was a legendary fight, however it was also a big blow t our treasury. We

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[MOF] War is expensive... help out NOW!

10 Dan 1,148, 02:10 Objavljeno u Netherlands Netherlands


We need as much help as possible! If you are under 2K strength and are planning to tank with gold, please instead donate it here! That way we can make better use of the gold/resources by getting guys with 4K+ strength to tank for us!


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[MOF] State Finances January 2011

9 Dan 1,141, 03:30 Objavljeno u Netherlands Netherlands


Today I present to you the finances of the country. During the last month a number of things happened. The first being a return of … čitaj više »

[MOF] Congress Tax

13 Dan 1,134, 08:46 Objavljeno u Netherlands Netherlands


Please remember to donate a minimum of 1G to the DNB for your Congress tax. Remember these funds go towards paying for the monthly MPP and is a requirement of all congress members. Not paying is only screwing over your country and the people

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[Finance] Rate of the NLG

2 Dan 1,119, 06:35 Objavljeno u Netherlands Netherlands


As some of you might have already seen the exchange rate for the NLG hasrisen from 0.016 to 0.018/0.019.

The reason for this is that the offers posted from the government were taken from the market. The reason for this is to allow our

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