Ambijent uključi/isključi

O mojim novinama

Otvori Wiki stranicu

Over 1000 articles published, in nine newspapers, in two countries.
Yeah, I've done that.

The Unintentional Candidate

17 Dan 1,435, 09:04 Objavljeno u USA USA Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Congressman Custer... Again?

Dateline: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 (Day 1,435)
Location: [url=čitaj više »

For a Better Tomorrow

22 Dan 1,414, 09:10 Objavljeno u USA USA Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Focus, people... focus...

The future of America is in your hands.

Dateline: Tuesday October 4, 2011 (Day 1,414) … čitaj više »

Finland Betrayed! eUS Soldier Attacked! [REPRINT]

35 Dan 1,411, 16:54 Objavljeno u USA USA Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

This edition of Halls of Montezuma is a reprint on behalf of a friend.

I’m Jon Malcom and I originally wrote this
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Embrace the Insanity

45 Dan 1,407, 14:03 Objavljeno u USA USA Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Embrace the Insanity.

It's not going away, you might as well have fun with it.

Dateline: Tuesday September 27, 2011 ( … čitaj više »

Movie Matinee and Other News

9 Dan 1,401, 05:46 Objavljeno u USA USA Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

The Old Man declares his undying... undead... love.

Libby is clearly impressed.

Dateline: Wednesday September 21, 2011 (Day … čitaj više »