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[MoDA] World Cup Opinion Poll

8 Dan 940, 12:43 Objavljeno u Austria Austria

Good evening eAustria!
Here is our latest opinion poll, it is not the actual opinion poll which will be posted later on. I thought it would be a good idea since the World Cup is currently happening that we should do a special Opinion Poll on it.

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Oesterreich Independence Party

10 Dan 939, 07:41 Objavljeno u Austria Austria

Hello citizens of eAustria,
As a result of yesterday's elections, I am now Party President of the Austrian Independence Party. I could not name it so due … čitaj više »

Issue 53 - LPO and Problems with this government

10 Dan 938, 10:51 Objavljeno u Austria Austria

English: Issue 53 - Tuesday - 15th June 2010 - Day 938
Deutsch: Ausgabe 53 - Dienstag - 15. Juni 2010 - Tag 938
Français: Édition 53 - čitaj više »

[MoDA] Weekly Report

6 Dan 936, 16:37 Objavljeno u Austria Austria

English: Issue 52 - Sunday - 13th June 2010 - Day 936
Deutsch: Ausgabe 52 - Sonntag - 13. Juni 2010 - Tag 936
Français: Édition 52 - čitaj više »

[MoDA] Primary Aims for June

5 Dan 931, 14:07 Objavljeno u Austria Austria

English: Issue 51 - Tuesday - 8th June 2010 - Day 931
Deutsch: Ausgabe 51 - Dienstag - 8. Juni 2010 - Tag 931
Français: Édition 51 - čitaj više »