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Greetings from the New MoFA

10 Ημέρες 811, 13:51 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Ireland Ireland

Hello eIreland. The Dagda signing in as the new eIrish Minister of Foreign Affairs. This will be a relatively short article, so have no fear it'll all be over soon.

I have a number of goals

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WAR! WAR! WAR! ePoland invades eUK!

32 Ημέρες 787, 08:29 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Ireland Ireland

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Release


Today, at approx. 0800 eRep time ePoland invaded the eUK. This invasion confirms long held rumors that EDEN is planning on wiping the eUK off the … διάβασε περισσότερα »

eIrish Ambassadors

12 Ημέρες 785, 21:36 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Ireland Ireland

Here is our complete list of our Ministry and Ambassadors from Ireland to the nations of the eWorld.

Co-Ministers of Foreign Affairs:
don.squire (Sol, AHA & Neutral Nations)
Lordoirish (EDEN)

Deputy Minister:
Nephworks (

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Know your Foreign Affairs : Poland

8 Ημέρες 785, 13:41 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Ireland Ireland

Poland belongs to the group of country that were in eRepublik since the beginning , in its early days like many other countries Poland had only a handful of players populating it . During the Sweden-Germany war Germany annexed … διάβασε περισσότερα »

Ambassadors Needed

9 Ημέρες 782, 13:12 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Ireland Ireland

Hello citizens of Ireland it is your CoMoFA Lordoirish here writing an article to ask for your help . There is one thing that every MoFA always has trouble with and that is Ambassadors and finding people to apply to be them , now so far me and don

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