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Treasury Staffing Announcement

4 Ημέρες 693, 15:03 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην United Kingdom United Kingdom

Citizens of the UK

I hope you will join me in welcoming my new team

Permanent Secretary Director of the Reserve Bank of the UK

This is Vinners. I have introduced Vinners before. If you look out his profile, you’ll find … διάβασε περισσότερα »

Treasury Staffing announcement and applications

3 Ημέρες 688, 14:09 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην United Kingdom United Kingdom

Citizens of the eUK

I am pleased to announce that this term the Permanent Secretary to the Treasury will be Vinners. Vinners has a wealth of experience in all areas of the game, and I am excited to be working with him. On top of his … διάβασε περισσότερα »

Current Treasury Team

3 Ημέρες 670, 15:42 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην United Kingdom United Kingdom

Just a quick update on the Treasury bench.

Chancellor of the Exchequer: Arthur Wellesley (6 months!)
Permanent Secretaries to the Treasury: Archerstorm, DilltheDog

Dill and Archerstorm are dividing up the job of the Permanent Secretaryship.

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Update from the Treasury

4 Ημέρες 607, 22:40 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello, citizens.

I like to make it a habit to keep individuals abreast of goings on in the Treasury. This will not be an in-depth policy announcement, though there will be one of those coming in the next few weeks. Rather, I just have a few

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New Benchmarks

5 Ημέρες 588, 20:38 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην United Kingdom United Kingdom

The current benchmarks that the Treasury have been pursuing are becoming outdated. The marks of 1 GOLD = 38.5 GBP and 1 GBP = 0.027 GOLD, while stable, do not reflect the potential of our economy. While we have been fighting a general rise in the

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