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Jeju is eJapan - time to reclaim it! Possibly a Training War w/ eSK

8 1,102 jour, 19:02 Published in Japan Japan

The stakes are higher than ever
Win this battle for the sake of our country's honor! Not only is our national pride at stake, but the losers will have to lie with Yonai Keiko bible style.

The battle for Japan's reclamation of Jeju:en savoir plus »

[Gov] Official Candidate List

22 1,100 jour, 13:12 Published in Japan Japan

Hello citizens,

Here are the official candidates endorsed by their respective parties. These people have contributed to the well-being of Japan and are veterans who have always done their best for the betterment of Japan. We have a few new

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Friends of South Korea - Help reclaim their country!

20 1,085 jour, 07:51 Published in Japan Japan

The Friends of South Korea is an organization comprised of private citizens from multiple countries, that want a free south joseon. As we … en savoir plus »

[MoFA] - No Longer Recognizes South Korea's Sovereignty - Recognizes NK's Claim

28 1,081 jour, 23:49 Published in Japan Japan

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea has recently denounced en savoir plus »

[MoIA] - Public Service Announcement

9 962 jour, 04:08 Published in Japan Japan


The dust has settled and eRepublik Rising (v2) has taken full effect. With this version comes many new features that may leave some confused. Recently,
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