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If your looking for the same old stuff that you see in most papers then keep searching. This paper is dedicated to bring you humor, theory, and anything else I can think of. If you like what I write please subscribe and comment.

Perrin for Congress-UIP party

1 521 jour, 20:36 Published in USA USA

Everytime an election comes along I like to talk about other canidates and this time it's Perrin.
I like him because he has big dreams, a Q5 hospital in Texas!
He isn't just a forum player, he's my kind of player. He plays the game and

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My Government Tis of Thee You Suck So Heavily!!

4 521 jour, 16:57 Published in USA USA

Why the heck is President Scrabman proposing that we tie a law to because he's "curious what happens"???!
Citizen Dru is proposing a law that we change the minimum wage to a $1,000.00 dollars??!"
You people were not

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What Hurts The Most!

3 520 jour, 23:20 Published in USA USA

As you can see Iv'e been listening to Rascal Flatts, it's my dirty little secret don't tell anyone.
However I want to ask you the reader what seems to hurt the most in this game?
What bothers you the most?
Why do you hate Erepublic?

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I'm the Susan Boyle of Erepublic...

1 515 jour, 22:40 Published in USA USA

Everytime an election rolls around I like to ask this question, why didn't so and so vote for so and so...?
Was their stance on Atlantis wrong?
Was their profile pic all stupid? (no comment)
Did they seem inexperienced?
The truth is my

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I am running for congress...LIKE A BOSS

1 513 jour, 17:19 Published in USA USA

I promise to actually have fun this time,no I mean it.
I say we need to have little hats on our heads when we play Erepublic. In fact that will be the first law I'll push, I can see it now:
Congress passes Little Hats Law.
I think we also need

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