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If your looking for the same old stuff that you see in most papers then keep searching. This paper is dedicated to bring you humor, theory, and anything else I can think of. If you like what I write please subscribe and comment.

Don't Doubt Me: Jon Malcom Running For CVP President:

6 540 jour, 21:21 Published in USA USA

Hey there,
I think I've seen you around here before.
Posted 9 days ago-for Ardez
Sure you always sit in the corner and when the karyoke machine comes on, you think about singing...but you don't. You sit and drink...and drink...
You know why

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Jon Malcom's Run for the CVP President!

3 540 jour, 20:02 Published in USA USA

Hey there,
Well the time has come folks for you to vote for the Conservative Presidency (I think I spelled that right).
I hope you chose the best candidate. I think that the leadership that we currently have isn't doing such a good job. Please

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That's a Great Idea!

0 539 jour, 20:43 Published in USA USA

Me for president....
Me for CVP president...
Me as the hottest man in the world...ok now I'm dreaming.

I have to say I am very optimistic about winning CVP president! It can happen this time or next. I hope that you vote for the best

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6 538 jour, 20:48 Published in USA USA

Yes that is how you spell ginormious...I had to look that up in Urban dictionary.
Well it seems a lull has hit the Eunitedstates. Don't worry...I can spice it up a bit.
Scrabman is sleeping in has R2D2 jammies and still thinking about the

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The Sunday Agenda:Fighting Irish!

0 537 jour, 22:17 Published in USA USA

Well we are at it once again. Gaining experience points and advancing up the ranks as we engage Ireland.
Get in the war games and have fun.
Stay tuned next week for great news! Hope you watched Star Trek! I haven't yet...

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