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eFinland Thanks you!

1 567 jour, 11:44 Published in USA USA

Thank you, our most valuable allies!
Your help was critical in our war efforts. I thank everyone who participated in fighting, gave gold to our government or gave us moral support.
Special thaks go to st00r,Durruti and others who … en savoir plus »

eFinland Thanks you!

19 567 jour, 11:43 Published in Finland Finland

Thank you, our most valuable allies!
Your help was critical in our war efforts. I thank everyone who participated in fighting, gave gold to our government or gave us moral support.
Special thaks go to st00r,Durruti and others who … en savoir plus »

Taistelkaa Latviassa! Fight in Latvia!

30 567 jour, 08:27 Published in Finland Finland

eSuomi: Viralliset käskyt 10.6.2009/568

Taistelkaa Latviassa!

eFinlan😛 Official orders of 10.6.2009/568

[size= … en savoir plus »

Official eFinland Announcement: Fight against eLatvia, Receive Free Candy!

16 566 jour, 05:32 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dear allies of eFinland!

We invite you to join our war against eLatvia! You should move to our Q5 hospital regions: Åland(Aland) and Western Finland. At Finland you can enjoy Finnish sauna, Koskenkorva booze and beautiful Finnish girls.
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Official eFinland Announcement: Fight against eLatvia, Receive Free Candy!

12 566 jour, 05:31 Published in Croatia Croatia

Dear allies of eFinland!

We invite you to join our war against eLatvia! You should move to our Q5 hospital regions: Åland(Aland) and Western Finland. At Finland you can enjoy Finnish sauna, Koskenkorva booze and beautiful Finnish girls.
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