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The Nuttly News - the place to view the rantings and ramblings of a crazy squirrel with a thirst for power.

"Yes, finally!"

33 1,672 jour, 12:39 Published in Australia Australia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hello eAustralia and hello to rest of the eWorld,

Per the request of the wonderful Miss Wolf, here is my thank you article full of screenshots and pretty pictures. 😉

Here are the captured moments as I waited for what I believed to be

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Day 1,662 - War Update

42 1,662 jour, 21:16 Published in Australia Australia Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Update #2: Fight to liberate Victoria from the Kiwis! Vive le Australie libre!

Update #1: Kiwi forces have launched an attack on en savoir plus »

lancer450 for South Australia, Sanity, and Accountability

19 1,646 jour, 18:46 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Dear eAustralia,

This past week-and-a-half has been quite boisterous in the Senate. Accusations are flying. People have taken to their corners and refused to budge. And I stand here, wondering how it came to this in such a short period of time.

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Day 1,621 - War Report

20 1,621 jour, 14:47 Published in Australia Australia Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

28 April 2012, Day 1,621 of the New World

North America

eMexico, more specifically, the Southeast of Mexico is currently under attack from … en savoir plus »

lancer450 is ready to serve!

19 1,615 jour, 14:35 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

G’day people of eSouth Australia, the whole of eAustralia, and the eWorld,

Today I want to talk about the choice facing eAustralians in the coming days.

On the 25th of April, eAustralians across the country will head to the polls to elect a

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