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Wondering why Project Lambda hasn't been released?

15 836 jour, 05:40 Published in Ireland Ireland

Due to an incredible amount of requests for the full details of Project Lambda, I will take a moment to explain why we haven't released it.

First of all, the preliminary articles … en savoir plus »

Boru's Kalashnikov: Presidential Candidates

25 835 jour, 01:27 Published in Ireland Ireland

More bulls to be paraded.


JSK's Presidential Manifesto seems to be a declaration that it is actually 5n4keyes running for President.

His economic policies couldn't be his own, as he has never talked

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Labour Party switches support to Dubhthaigh

31 834 jour, 11:27 Published in Ireland Ireland

In light of the manifestos of both Nithraldur and John Smith 2k9, the Labour Party has switched support to Dubhthaigh for President.

This decision was not made lightly, but due to the content of those manifestos, we cannot run independently

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Join the Labour Party!

8 832 jour, 12:30 Published in Ireland Ireland

The Labour Party: A new force for the Republic!

Labour is a party for workers!
We believe that workers' welfare and entertainment should be the first priority of government in eIreland!

Labour is a en savoir plus »

UPDATED: Dáil Éireann: Congress Election Results

15 830 jour, 14:15 Published in Ireland Ireland

EDIT: After inspecting the IFP TD list, I found that two of them are actually in Eire Aoitaithe.
If any more of them are in EA, I would appreciate a PM on the matter.

<- Vote up for democracy!


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