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Used for general fun [inc TGIF} & political analysis & the occasional CP Run
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[eUK] Feb'14 CP Election Results - the final results

16 2,270 jour, 00:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

eUK CP Election February 2014 - final results

Screenshot taken at 23:59 [07:59 GMT] on Day 2269:

Barring a miracle, Count Drakula … en savoir plus »

[NL4CP] UKPP CP Candidate - pt4

14 2,268 jour, 11:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Neil Lewis - UKPP CP Candidate

Say hello to my cabinet.

probably should have added this old joke earlier[/
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[NL4CP] UKPP CP Candidate - pt3

12 2,266 jour, 16:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Neil Lewis - UKPP CP Candidate

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[NL4CP] UKPP CP Candidate - pt2

25 2,264 jour, 09:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Neil Lewis - UKPP CP Candidate

OK, someone, somewhere, said beer & boobs can win an erection election; so here goes:

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[NL4CP] UKPP CP Candidate

39 2,262 jour, 03:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Neil Lewis - UKPP CP Candidate

This time is official & serious!

I know I haven't had any government experience, apart from a "supplier" role in the eMoD in Woldy's … en savoir plus »