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THE DAILY TELEGRAPH-be informed,exactly,truely about everything in eUK

New party in eUK

9 2,796 jour, 09:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


It past too long since I"ve published,so I"ve decide to write some good article.
Without further delay,firstly I want to announce some news.The news is well maybe it"s not spectacular news but it still news 😉.So

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CP elections

14 2,751 jour, 05:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


In the couple of days will be held the Country President elections.Current CP sweet chap Fataliix aka Fata

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Joining ESO

23 2,746 jour, 10:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


It"s been quite long since I"ve written something.So to cut the chase,I"ll get straight with the news from

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New unit in military scene of eUK

8 2,718 jour, 07:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre


As I haven"t much write recently,so I"ve decide a short article wit lot"s of stuff in it.For those who haven"t noticed and for those who noticed I"ve been called to help and to be part of official member of the stuff new

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Restored Democracy

8 2,687 jour, 08:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


Well in the lack of written articles and not writting anything for a quite long time ago,I"ve found myself subject to write,or better subject found it me.

Last night BigAnt and Bruce Wayne ex Dapper

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