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The Examiner is eArmenia's go-to newspaper, reporting local and international news stories that cares about Armenia and the world. The Examiner is published every day and is with you 24/7 anytime you want, across eArmenia.

The Examiner is 100% owned by the Examiner Media Group. MADE IN eARMENIA!

Anthony Encourages the Citizens of eArmenia to Vote for Him As the President of eArmenia

4 2,934 jour, 12:34 Published in Armenia Armenia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

The Labour Party's presidential candidate Anthony encourages the citizens of eArmenia to vote for him as the next president of eArmenia so that he can help reshape eArmenia, solve problems that affects the nation including and lastly, reshaping and

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Anthony Plans to Improve eArmenia's Education Sector

0 2,929 jour, 09:49 Published in Armenia Armenia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

The Labour Party's presidential candidate Anthony plans to improve eArmenia's education sector so that eArmenians can learn more stuff. When he is elected president, he will add new subjects to the nation's education curriculum such as Christianity,

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Anthony Loses the Presidential Election for the 2nd time But Vows to Run for President for the 3rd Time

0 2,908 jour, 12:08 Published in Armenia Armenia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

The Labour Party's presidential candidate Anthony have lost eArmenia's presidential election for the 2nd time yesterday but wants to thanks every citizen of eArmenia for continue to supporting him and the Labour Party. Anthony said to the Examiner

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Anthony Plans to Boost the Nation's Economy

2 2,905 jour, 10:53 Published in Armenia Armenia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

The Labour Party's presidential candidate, Anthony plans to boost the nation's economy by setting up the tourism sector so that foreigners will get to know us and explore the beautiful mountains of eArmenia and the wonderful attractions in eArmenia.

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Anthony Vows to Ban Abortion Nationwide

0 2,899 jour, 20:19 Published in Armenia Armenia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Presidential candidate Anthony vows to ban abortion nationwide so that no baby should ever be dead and that the babies will be treated with kindness and dignity. He said exclusively to the Examiner that the number of dead babies have now been risen

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