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Aries's Food for GIFs #4

11 1,950 jour, 10:02 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

This contest will be very simple, post your favorite gif and I will add it to the list. Google added gifs as a search function now so give it a shot and see what we turn up.

Every Netherlands citizen will get 400 energy for posting up a

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Update: Dublin & Louth Victory!

10 1,948 jour, 18:01 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre


The UK:

The Queen:

[img][/img] … en savoir plus »

Ireland at War!

16 1,947 jour, 08:51 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Ireland vs UK

A few hours ago the Irish CP announced they were at war with the UK. Apparently this has been caused by some rogue congressmen whom refused to end the NE for … en savoir plus »

Local News Update: The North

11 1,945 jour, 06:13 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

I stumbled across some interesting information today and I felt I should share some of it with the rest of you.


Ireland held a referendum a few days ago and it … en savoir plus »

Army Rations for Fighting the Polish!

7 1,935 jour, 10:23 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

Jerky, Biscuits, and Cheese!


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