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What's left?

35 2,133 jour, 21:23 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

I have one question for everyone:

If we can't fight or negotiate, what is there left to do?

I think I've lost hope. I've been here a year, most of my erep life, and a majority of it has been in occupation. We can't seem to gain freedom

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Selling Q4 Food! - Updated .8

12 2,125 jour, 11:14 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

Update - I have 4300 units of Q4 food that I will be selling for .8 per unit.

Prices seem to have dropped in the past 24 hours.

Domestically this is the cheapest offer on our market and is consistent with the dominating economies like China,

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Antagonist Report: Congress Elections

12 2,120 jour, 09:39 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

I've decided I will be doing small updates on our congress to inform our public since it seems restricting information to manipulate the population is the style of late.

My first update is a small proposal on alternative congress elections. Our

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[CP] Cabinet, RW, and National Shield

25 2,089 jour, 16:16 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


I’d like to start off by presenting [url= savoir plus »

[Aries] Plans, Cabinet, & State MU's.

41 2,083 jour, 13:35 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Let’s dive right in to my plans.

1. Continue Negotiations with the Polish

This is a fairly self-explanatory stance. Anyone that has been in Netherlands for a fair amount of time will know … en savoir plus »