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33 minutes in Congress [en/hu]

41 1,742 jour, 04:52 Published in Poland Poland Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

This is my screenshot:

Here's the story


You are welcome to comment.
BUT I don’t speak polish. So …

It all started with an old idea of mine: “It would be nice to have at least one … en savoir plus »

For the 100 kill mission

9 1,736 jour, 01:46 Published in Poland Poland Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

I went to Egypt

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Rewards for the 1732 day (all 6) missions

43 1,732 jour, 04:02 Published in Poland Poland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Thanks PlayerP

Making a difference!

Description: Rockets may change the course of Battles.

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,742!
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21 1,724 jour, 03:39 Published in Poland Poland Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

*Starting a War by Airstrike.*

An Airstrike war can be started by proposing an Airstrike law by the Country President, once the requirements of the law are met and the majority of the congress … en savoir plus »

Rewards for the 1689 day missions [+3? missions]

34 1,689 jour, 05:41 Published in Poland Poland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Get two times stronger!

Description: Strength means more damage! Train every day!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,700!

Conditions: Increase your strength with 75 points. … en savoir plus »