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The Revolution will not be televised...

[VP]Dreamer, Rebel, Uniting force?

10 2,005 jour, 14:52 Published in South Africa South Africa Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Intro and Article Music
This article is a combination of a VP statement, and a mini campaign, thrown together with some music. Listen to One, or Listen to … en savoir plus »

[SA-NCIS]VP Radio Address on the Gold Mine

6 2,000 jour, 20:08 Published in South Africa South Africa Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Brief Intro
I've decided to bring back my old South African paper title and use it as my radio shows name, mostly because I still got the banner for it.

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Updates, Updates, Updates!

25 1,990 jour, 18:01 Published in South Africa South Africa Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Not this month
After much discussion, my campaign for CP will not continue this month. In the interest of National Security to combat the threat of the … en savoir plus »

[CC4CP] Does that make Crazy?

17 1,987 jour, 15:00 Published in South Africa South Africa Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Theme Music

Keeping it Simple
I intend to run for Country President of South Africa for the … en savoir plus »

Torn but still Fighting

15 1,980 jour, 13:49 Published in South Africa South Africa Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Click for Music

Clearing stuff up
Less than a week ago, I had come to feel it was time to leave South … en savoir plus »