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Este jornal terá como objectivo criticar politicamente todos os feitos dos governos passados, actuais e futuros.
Terá também uma vertente social que fará o possível para agendar debates públicos entre cidadãos e políticos.
Haverá também uma vertente mais lúdica com vários torneios.

[Portugal Unido - Artigo Nº957] - Articule: Endorce for the mission 2

17 5,621 jour, 00:47 Published in Portugal Portugal Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

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[Portugal Unido - Artigo Nº956] - Articule: Endorce for the mission 1

23 5,620 jour, 12:35 Published in Portugal Portugal Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

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[Portugal Unido - Artigo Nº955] - Tutorial: #Springbreak

43 5,620 jour, 07:12 Published in Portugal Portugal Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hello guys! New event, lets share with you the info we have. This event end at 80,000 PP.

[img]https://wiki.[/img] … en savoir plus »

[Portugal Unido - Artigo Nº954] - Event: SpringsBreak (3rd step)

23 5,620 jour, 05:55 Published in Portugal Portugal Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Every time you fight use only 500 life

you can fight lots of time in same battle.

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[Portugal Unido - Artigo Nº953] - Event: SpringsBreak (2nd step)

30 5,620 jour, 03:11 Published in Portugal Portugal Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hello guys during this day i Will write a tutorial for you.

First endorce some article to finish the first step, unlock health center and recover +20.

After this step2

You can search for batlehero and use tickets to do the km.

Stay turn

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