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Much Thanks!

14 2,875 jour, 23:27 Published in Norway Norway Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Well what can I say other than a huge thank you to everyone! As promised I will not seek re-election. Anything more than two terms at a time is greedy in my opinion, its time to allow … en savoir plus »

Norwegian Media Strategy

6 2,856 jour, 11:32 Published in Norway Norway Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Norway's media has been lacking as of late and Ive got a nice amount of gold saved up again and would like to start handing some out while … en savoir plus »

[NGP] Its Not Easy...

11 2,853 jour, 14:56 Published in Norway Norway Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

The Norwegian Green Party
is quickly emerging as the #1 party … en savoir plus »

Just One More

6 2,845 jour, 19:26 Published in Norway Norway Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

As most of you are well aware I am running for President again. When I set out I set out on a two term mission, as can be accounted by Xibbard and MdR. As Ive promised, if I win I … en savoir plus »

The Kingmaker Chronicles | Chapter 1

6 2,824 jour, 15:12 Published in Norway Norway Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Joshua wiped the fresh blood from his axe onto his leggings. Blood stained the the fields just south of Bodø which played host to the great battle between the forces of the newly … en savoir plus »