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The oldest newspaper in the DPRK! It is mainly concentrated on political issues, social themes and the history of North Korea.

The glory and fall of Empires- Norway

1 918 jour, 06:13 Published in North Korea North Korea

PART 3. The torn empire - Norway

As is the secret of all empires on eRepublik, Norway too started its path to greatness with being discovered by two forums, and getting a big population growth from their members. It happened in early January,

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The glory and fall of Empires- Sweden

0 917 jour, 04:40 Published in North Korea North Korea

PART 2- Sweden

Sweden got off a normal start in the game, as many other countries had back then; people coming slowly and forming the first structures of a country, calling friends, and making companies and so on. But just before 2007 Christmas,

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The glory and fall of Empires- Pakistan

6 916 jour, 04:12 Published in North Korea North Korea

I am planning to write a series of eRepublik's great empires; as the title says about their glory and their downfall. As is my style it is not a historical data-collection, but rather a !!, a story, as I see it - so there might be mistakes in it. I

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Current wars and conflicts

6 914 jour, 07:30 Published in North Korea North Korea

The world war ended bad for PHOENIX and their French allies. Losing high regions all around the globe and Hungary almost facing annihilation at the hands of Cromania, PHOENIX launched a counter attack in hope of retaking some lost land.


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Day 911

1 911 jour, 07:34 Published in North Korea North Korea

International News
US proposes Declaration of War on Serbia; Phoenix assaults the world

-At approximatelly 16:00 on Day 910, US President Harrison Richardson proposed a declaration of war on Serbia. After several hours of deliberation, Phoenix

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