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The first private eNewspaper to reach 1000 editions

The first member of the THOUSAND club soon to be eJOINED by Friday the 13TH News of NO Carrier

The upcoming UK Wipe & Other Stuff

7 2,869 jour, 02:54 Published in Ireland Ireland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Seems someone is hungary for UK Maidens. Althogh at this moment their tummies is not full enoughto take flight.


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3 2,868 jour, 15:24 Published in Ireland Ireland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Quick update from Government: we are now at peace with Canada. We will however be supporting our allies when Canada lands there.

If you are fighting hard in any Canadian/Irleand battles remember

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7 2,866 jour, 00:41 Published in Ireland Ireland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Do you have FTFP?
Do you suffer from the following symptoms?
Do you run with the herd! like Cro Magnon husband club
Is your biggest swearword Buster! "now listen here buster"
Do you drive a Prius in rl!
Do you play your music softly

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And Now this

2 2,863 jour, 16:35 Published in Ireland Ireland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

This article contains no mention of Military Unit C* and their military commander named x.

It contains no discussion on supplies and why we should have supplies.

It contains no mention of who will be my proposed cabinet.

It contains no

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Afrikaans word of the day:Pantoffels

6 2,863 jour, 07:38 Published in South Africa South Africa Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Word in english slippers.

Used in sentence: Agabella: come over for a booty call.[in husky voice]

You: Ja wag ek trek net gou my pantoffels aan.


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