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[The Don] Let Them Come.

19 1,945 jour, 21:41 Published in India India Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Croatia loves peace. They have referred to this noble feeling of peace in numerous articles many times on various occasions. We too love peace. Then why is it impossible to reach an understanding by a peaceful method?

Perhaps because of the

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[The Don] My Life in India - A Detailed Look (The First Days)

7 1,928 jour, 21:43 Published in India India Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

I arrived in India on Day 574 of the New World. My first act in this country was to post this article. Go ahead and read it and the comments below. Some lovely

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[The Don] Future Goals, Competition & India's Problem

11 1,895 jour, 06:05 Published in India India Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

What next?

I have accomplished a lot in eRepublik. I have become a wealthy businessman, multiple time congressman, battle and campaign hero, I have led government … en savoir plus »

[The Don] India, My Beloved. Please grow up!

10 1,888 jour, 00:01 Published in India India Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

It's been said that the quest for sanity and truth is the noblest occupation of man, but there are dragons lurking in the Dark Forests of Politics. And the names of these dragons are "Juvenile" and "Deliberate Distortion" and "Sheer, Wrongheaded

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[F1] Round 2 Sepang Results + Standings

2 1,873 jour, 21:02 Published in India India Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Here stands this article. A lone little beacon of entertainment in these troubling times!

The Race

Typical Malaysia. Wet race!

It provided many thrills and spills!

Check the race out here!

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