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[NAZ4POTUS] Plans and Thoughts

18 2,175 jour, 12:31 Published in USA USA Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

So far I have announced an overview of my policies next month and a [url=http:// … en savoir plus »

[NAZ4POTUS] Building a Team

34 2,172 jour, 16:02 Published in USA USA Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Well I am a bit late for this, but I wanted to make sure I had everything in place before going forward with this. I gave my cabinet a bit of thought, and I wanted to … en savoir plus »

[NAZ4POTUS] Answering the Call

25 2,170 jour, 15:47 Published in USA USA Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

So I was reading a challenge by Israel Stevens today, and thought it was a simple, but … en savoir plus »

Taking the First LAP

18 2,165 jour, 20:53 Published in USA USA Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

First things first, with our 100+ lead over the next party, the Liberty Advancement Party has firmly secured its place in the Top 5 and will be heading into congressional elections its first … en savoir plus »

Do You Want To Know Who You Are?

11 2,162 jour, 12:14 Published in USA USA Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

First I want to apologize with the timing of this, since one of my articles is still in the media and I generally try to avoid that occurring. This article will attempt … en savoir plus »