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The Trio

3 1,079 jour, 01:15 Published in Israel Israel

Welcome All Readers...

How does it everyone? I hope you are all enjoying yourselfs! Sorry I have not been active with keeping up to date with articles. So I have three in one!


Congress has been great to me... Not allot

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Congress: Awesomeness

6 1,070 jour, 21:14 Published in Israel Israel

Welcome All Readers....

I'd like to thank all my voters that voted for me to getting elected tonight in Haifa District! Oh wait, I haz zero votes. Thats right boys and girls, GG has 0 votes and still will be getting into congress. Good

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Secretary of the Department of Immigration

3 1,067 jour, 00:38 Published in Israel Israel

Welcome Readers...

Tonight is an exciting one for not just me, but for eIsrael! Tonight I want to thank the president, Gavin Wax for selecting me to be the new Secretary of the Department Of Immigration. There is a long road

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Tired Of Erepublik?

7 1,064 jour, 12:09 Published in Israel Israel

Welcome Readers....

Are you tired of just getting online and working, training and buying food to survive? Are you bored of the game? Well today I'm going to explain a few ways how to brighten up you're visit to Erepublik.

Mood Music:

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Congressional Platform

5 1,063 jour, 17:31 Published in Israel Israel

Welcome Readers...


Hello, for some of you that do not know me, I am George Griffin. Most people call me "GG". I have had a long, long past and it has been a good one. Here is some of my credentials from my past...

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