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Fair and biased news coverage since February 2011! Please forgive us if a Fusion Accident occurs.

[Tao] A myth about beginnings

5 1,252 jour, 10:24 Published in Japan Japan Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

This is an experiment in storytelling. Anyone is welcome to read or participate but first, some ground rules.

1. Anyone is allowed to participate.
2. People can know who is participating by the tag [Tao] in an article.
3. There is no

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Renting Kyushu and Chugoku: Where Do We Go From Here?

9 1,244 jour, 20:19 Published in Japan Japan Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

As has been announced in another publication, the Kyushu and Chugoku regions are being leased to China for 90 gold per month. By historical

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Why We Fight

25 1,227 jour, 15:51 Published in Japan Japan

In times like these, when injustice has claimed the upper hand and a foreign enemy is at the gates, it behooves us to remember: Why we fight, why we remain strong, and why, even in the face of defeat, we shall not lose.

It was fully two years

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Getting a Handle on Our Currency

14 1,224 jour, 14:05 Published in Japan Japan

In the last few weeks, the value of the JPY has slid significantly, from its long-held value of about .014 Gold to a new low of .007 Gold. To some extent, this is because of uncertainty around the new economic system. All countries' currency has

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A Brighter Hope

9 1,218 jour, 18:43 Published in Japan Japan

The last few weeks have seen a great jump in activity in eJapan. It has become lively again and I have been glad to see it. For two months now, I have more or less watched eJapan from the sidelines. Now I am ready to again take an active part in

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