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Method to Madness

[Nyx] V0TE Appeal

40 2,479 jour, 23:57 Published in Ireland Ireland Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


Top PriorityDefense, Foreign Affairs, Finance (Short term), Internal Affairs

Top – Medium Priority - Retention, ATO, Media

Medium Priorityen savoir plus »

Facepalm and Fun

22 2,477 jour, 00:05 Published in Ireland Ireland Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Ok I mentioned the PTO threat we had because I can't keep quiet when the nation's security is in danger. I thought you would do your own research and find out more about the people in question.

I told them to leave nicely but now I

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[Nyx4CP or Not] Straight Shooter

58 2,476 jour, 00:46 Published in Ireland Ireland Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Ah that time of the erep where you have to make the choice of being either nice or honest. Luckily I never had a problem choosing either of the two.

It is amusing that I have to poke people to make them say what they really

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[Nyx4CP] The Rough Plan

78 2,474 jour, 22:03 Published in Ireland Ireland Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

So here is a rough outline of what we will be doing next month when I am CP:

1. War War War

Absolutely 100% yes! We are absolutely going to do that.

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[Nyx4CP] SLAM!

118 2,472 jour, 04:48 Published in Ireland Ireland Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Ooh Smear campaign ermm as my luck would have it, I have to outdebate this cantankerous Krakk in the same style? He is talking about my mother and father lol

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