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Congress and Party News.

Tottenham Hotspurs Rule

1 3,218 jour, 12:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

We rule


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On Wednesday you will see THFC

14 3,218 jour, 04:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

On Wednesday you will see. how well supported the mighty Tottenham Hotspur are,win lose or draw you will hear the Spurs roar.

I have my tickets and … en savoir plus »

British Patriots Congress. Do you want to be in Congress?

10 3,187 jour, 10:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Congressmen of The British Patriots it would be good if we could improve our voting record. So from now I will print a little reminder in an article and explain the situation if I can.

This … en savoir plus »

Impeach the coward CP

31 3,175 jour, 01:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Impeach The UK President ! Sir Humphrey Appleby

British Patriots never give up fighting.

The UK CP has been missing for 7 week to 10 days, we are under attack by the USA and this is no good … en savoir plus »

Interview with a Sir Apple

9 3,172 jour, 15:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

A Most Uncivil Service

After tracking down our CP to a remote part of Ireland we asked for a interview but Sir Apples wasn't happy to give one. He told us to Feck off.

[IMG]http://i64.[/img] … en savoir plus »