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ONE alliance battle report

78 1,298 jour, 03:51 Published in Poland Poland Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

- Dear readers

• In order to keep my promise of not publishing articles in serbian more, and … en savoir plus »

[Ratna Sekira] Velika podela - jos 1000 tenkova i kuca

366 1,294 jour, 06:04 Published in Poland Poland Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

- Dear Polish readers, i would apologize for a foreign article in your media space. I need to publish this one and 1 more, and i promise that i … en savoir plus »

[Ratna Sekira] Jos jedna OGROMNA podela

630 1,292 jour, 01:45 Published in Poland Poland Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

- Sorry for my international readers, this article is about serbian internal bussiness

■ Коначно, после доста мука и проблема, КОНАЧНО ре … en savoir plus »

[Ratna Sekira] Vracanje donacija, i OGROMNA podela

1111 1,275 jour, 07:53 Published in Poland Poland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

- Sorry for my international readers, this article is about serbian internal bussiness

■ Укратко, што почех у [url= savoir plus »

What can we do in game like this?

58 1,270 jour, 07:48 Published in Poland Poland Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

- Dear readers

• I dont know how to start this article, but certanly you all know what i want … en savoir plus »