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[MoDA] Opinion Poll 6 - June 30/July 1

5 953 jour, 08:10 Published in Austria Austria

Opinion Poll 6 - June 30th 2010/July 1st 2010

Today we are having our sixth National Opinion Poll, addressing current events here in Austria.

[img][/img] … en savoir plus »

[MoW] Weekly Report

13 952 jour, 01:06 Published in Austria Austria

Austrian Ministry of Welfare

Für die deutsche Version bitte runterscrollen

Nothing special happened this week. All companies are up … en savoir plus »

[MoDA] Opinion Poll 5 - Results

3 947 jour, 10:33 Published in Austria Austria

Opinion Poll 5 - June 22-23 2010

Thank you all for taking part in the latest opinion poll of Austria. 34 people took part this time, a decrease from last time. The results of this poll - which was taken between June 22nd … en savoir plus »

Bug - System claims you did not work

5 947 jour, 03:28 Published in Germany Germany

Austrian Ministry of Welfare

Für die deutsche Version bitte runterscrollen

Dear Neighbours

Yesterday a nasty bug hit the … en savoir plus »

[MoW]System claims you did not work?

5 947 jour, 03:26 Published in Austria Austria

Austrian Ministry of Welfare

Für die deutsche Version bitte runterscrollen

Dear Citizens

Yesterday a nasty bug hit the playerbase. … en savoir plus »