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2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 11 August

7 630 jour, 05:08 Published in USA USA

If you're interested in politics, our new president Emerick announced his full government yesterday.

On the pathetic side, a [url=

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2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 10 August

7 629 jour, 04:40 Published in USA USA

The war was a bit quieter over the weekend, but we made some significant gains at the expense of some strategically less important losses.

After holding Missouri, Alabama and Mississippi on Saturday, Russia conquered Missouri, Portugal conquered

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2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 7 August

6 626 jour, 04:48 Published in USA USA

Yesterday I wondered why we didn't fight in Texas. The general battle orders (to us low-life fighters) sent us to Texas, but it looks like our big guns went to Ontario to try save Canada. Well, the strategy of giving away Texas to try to save

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2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Whiskey & Mao Tai Summary - 6 August

9 625 jour, 04:56 Published in USA USA

The political news, of course, is that Emerick is our new president. Our outgoing president, Harrison Richardson, gave a very classy consession

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2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 5 August

4 624 jour, 05:43 Published in USA USA

Somebody asked me yesterday "what's a 2-clicker"? It's ERep slang for players who log on once a day to work, train, fight and heal ... and then go back to real life.


As I said

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