Lord of War Report

Day 2,255, 15:44 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

In a New Year eCanadian style were again facing a wipe of extreme prejudice as Spain and Poland are walking in and slicing up our country. This was to be expected as we were giving eUK a beating and it was the plan to have our allies join the fray.

I was oppossed to having allies join in as they were allies who were already on the run so it was an easy excuse to have eUK's allies get involved to save there skin yet again. Most likely though they probably were going to join the battle anyways so I really don't think it matters either way.

None of what I'm going to say here is Govt Mandate just my opinion and some advice for the next couple of weeks. Govt has been a bit quiet of late so I thought I would address the populace.

First I'd like to apologize for not being around lately but work takes precedence and I informed those in our govt I wouldn't be available. My title is more less honorary anyways but my contributions are not.

I won't coddle you or say we can fight till the last man and hold the line. We tried that before and it didn't work. I say it how it is No Bullsh*t. Most already know but time to put it in print.

Were going to be Wiped. There no ands ifs or buts about it. We could throw our treasury, Full donation CO's and supply Tanks down the drain fighting the good fight trying to stop the advance but in the end even maybe winning a battle it would be the same end result.

I'm trying to learn from history of last years wipe and perhaps find new tactics for us to play off of. Obviously new tactics like CO and the RW bonus have been made avialable to us. Were also a bit stronger than last time as a whole.

I know one thing that has to be addressed is my being one of the first rats off the sinking ship last time around. It was done and admittidly it was something i regretted immediately afterwards once i realized the scope of how long the wipe would last.

I pledge not to leave the country during the wipe and on top of that willingly cooperate with any elected wipe govt regardless of who's in charge. I have abilities the country can use during wartime so I'll make them available to any CP who asks.

I also ask that if your a canadian citizen to not leave the country right away after the wipe. we can fight back and with some decent planning we can make holding us down a pain in the ass and not worth the trouble. These big nations have other colonies to keep in line so we help our cause by being annoying and slogging on through difficult times. save your CC until there are sanctioned Rws that will have support either govt or private warmongers.

If you can hold out and stay I suggest you do so. We need way less citizens to leave this time around. If you do happen to leave make yourself available to fight in all canadian RW battles that will come up.

Don't waste your resources the next 2 weeks trying to stop the enevitable. Save your Q7 tanks and EBs if you have any left and those you have coming for the next 2 weeks or more. There wasted trying to fight off Spain and Poland. The drums of war and RW will come and you need to be ready when called upon.

We need to make more effort to cooperating with other Polish and Spanish occupied countries to help there cause as well as ours.

Canada is a small country but we hit harder than our size would suggest we have to start using that to our advantage. Its a possible niche we could fill starting to become known as a small fierce fighting force that will give it all for our allies. So when were asked and govt orders are put up fight for that ally and I would consider putting up CO's and opening supply so they know we heard there call for help. Its something to be considered.

I don't think we should look towards immediate NAP status for freedom. making a deal could be expensive and I'm not sold were completly without hope. We need to give it time and some effort. We can't be looked at as a C*cksucker who rolls over at the first sign of difficulty its just not our way.

lastly and hardest off all were going to need patience for atleast the next month. Its alot to ask of a very impatient country but i think its going to be forced down our throats if were serious about liberation.

This may not be what you wanted to hear but its the dark reality of the situation were facing. I'm thinking though that it doesn't have to be the end of days it was last year and more of a unifying campaign for the country.

Be ready and willing to fight when the Co's and Supply comes up. I will give away more tanks to citizens and as always we will need private citizen donations so were the fan and not the Sh*t.

Goodluck to us all and as usual fight smart. I've already started to fight bare handed.