Help me write the article, "When I began..."

Day 532, 15:33 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

The idea of this article is simple, it's time to get all teary eyed and reminisce about our first days in erepublik and what has changed.

I joined because of my real life friend Geno Garon who I met at college.

When I began Benn Dover was president in his first term and taxes were a great deal lower. Uncle Sam was the president of the AAP and was the head of the department of Fun. He funded a fungasm contest for the funniest comment, which I won for a total of 800 or so USD. With that money I bought a premature Q3 house which I still own and am glad to have.

The first time I ran for congress I was level 11 until two days before the election and I almost ran in Idaho until I took advice from Ian John Locke and ran in Illinois. The gold value was ~.015 and our military was paid.

The first message I ever got was from Istarlan to join the National Guard. Equality wasn't even a player and now he's way above me in experience points.

Tell me about when you began.